Sacral Chakra Recipe Book: Healthy dinner, delicious lunches & yummy drinks using orange foods to heal, balance body energy with recipes for chakra colors. (Chakra Colors Recipe Cookbooks Book 2)

The second chakra is the sacral chakra. Lovely vibrant orange in color this energetic vortex of energy is extremely important. This chakra pertains to the lower physical body below the navel towards the bottom of the spine. It likes to get caught up in the emotional side of things.

The sacral chakra needs important tools to thrive and spin correctly. We can do this with no trouble using specific food types to feed the frequencies for optimal balance.

In this book, we will look at ways to introduce the correct foods to the diet of you and your family for better health and wellness. Cooking should be fun and easy to prepare, not boring or tedious keeping us from wanting to create delicious amazing meals.

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Home » Books » Sacral Chakra Recipe Book: Healthy dinner, delicious lunches & yummy drinks using orange foods to heal, balance body energy with recipes for chakra colors. (Chakra Colors Recipe Cookbooks Book 2)